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I am going to write up a long and boring explanation of why my personal issues with noise, together with my large head and slightly abnormal ears, has resulted in my ownership of an unusually large number of headphones. To make this make sense to anyone I will need to include some pictures (because everyone loves a presentation) but I set this site up for minimal hosting and minimal file delivery, so an image host will be needed. A quick browse around available options showed that I could probably use a free tier service but I would emd up limited in some aspect, or I could ‘use’ Discord for no limitations but be at the mercy of any future change in their fair-use policy. So I circled back to Cloudflare. while I was initially distracted by their dynamic imaging service, I realized I could create a public R2 bucket, tie it to my own domain, utilize Cloudflare caching and remain, hopefully, well within their own free tier while keeping the entire site confined to the same platform.

So as a test, here is an image of the best pet I’ve ever had, Bean.

Bean, The best cat ever